fredag 21. juni 2024

Grønn elbil lading ved flyplass -


En god ide for andre enn flyplasser også. (Red.)

Munich Airport tests mobile energy container for EV charging


Munich Airport, in collaboration with green energy company FlowGen, is testing an innovative mobile energy container equipped with photovoltaic panels and wind rotors to generate sustainable electricity. This system, which charges electric vehicles, combines solar and wind energy with battery storage, managed by intelligent energy software.

The container is located in a rental car parking lot and can produce around 200 kilowatt hours of energy on windy and sunny days, enough to charge four to six electric cars. The project will run for 12 months, during which various data will be collected and analyzed to assess the efficiency and potential of this renewable energy solution.

FlowGen’s container is designed for quick installation and relocation, making it versatile for various applications beyond airports, including agriculture, construction, and manufacturing. This initiative aims to promote sustainable energy practices and reduce reliance on traditional power sources.

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