torsdag 20. juni 2024

eVTOL med siste nytt

 Det er voldsom aktivitet innen dette området, og flere vil være den første til å tilby tjenester alt i neste måned, og da fra Paris Problemet er bare at virksomheten må reguleres, og kontroll i de laveste luftlag er enda ikke på bordet, men det jobbes intenst med det. I venteperioden har mange selskaper sluppet opp for kapital og har lagt inn årene. (Red.)

Wisk Aero and Houston Airports partner to bring autonomous air taxis to Greater Houston Region

The agreement supports the strategic planning efforts needed to bring a new form of air transportation to an important region within Texas.

EH216-S pilotless eVTOL completes debut flight in Saudi Arabia

The autonomous flight, conducted with rigorous safety measures, underscores EHang's commitment to safety and innovation.

FAA accepts SkyDrive’s eVTOL certification application

SkyDrive is now actively collaborating with local customers to develop practical use cases and tailor its offerings for the American market.

AIR unveils unmanned ‘AIR ONE Cargo’ eVTOL for logistics market

The company has secured multiple deals to supply the unmanned version of its flagship eVTOL aircraft, AIR ONE, for cargo purposes.

AIRTAXI 2024 is heading to Dubai

As a prime region for the launch of eVTOL air taxis, Dubai will be playing host to many of the key stakeholders at this year’s AIRTAXI World Congress from Oct. 7 to 10, 2024.

Archer announces landmark infrastructure deal with Signature Aviation

The companies plan to leverage their existing partnerships with Beta Technologies to install Beta's interoperable rapid recharging systems across Signature’s industry-leading network of private aviation terminals.

Why eVTOL firms should start now with SMS 

Vertical Aviation International believes eVTOL companies should already be gaining the benefits of a safety management system, well in advance of the FAA-mandated deadline.

CRISALION Mobility reaches pre-sale agreement with iJet for 10 Integrity eVTOLs

As part of this partnership, the companies will designate routes connecting key hotspots in Malaga and its surroundings.

Skyports partners with Unified Aviation to accelerate global network rollout

This partnership will support rapid rollout of Skyports’ infrastructure globally, facilitating agile and responsive vertiport network growth.

World’s longest-running electric aircraft symposium returns to Oshkosh

More than 40 of the world’s leading electric aircraft developers and technology experts will speak at the 18th annual Electric Aircraft Symposium.

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