fredag 28. juni 2024

Tilt rotor - AW609 markedsføres militært - AIN

June 27, 2024



Leonardo Flies AW609 In Navy Aircraft Carrier Sea Trials

Leonardo has reported the completion of initial ship-based flight testing with its AW609 tiltrotor. The Italian aerospace and defense group yesterday said that between April 3 and 12, its production-conforming AC4 aircraft relocated from the company’s Cascina Costa facility in northern Italy to Maristaer Grottaglie Naval Base to conduct trials with the ITS Cavour aircraft carrier.

The AW609, which is being developed for both military and civil applications, demonstrated approaches to the ship, as well as stable deck landing and touchdown capabilities. Leonardo is still working to achieve civil type certification, almost 12 years after it first applied for approval from the FAA.

Prior to the sea trials, Leonardo conducted extensive ground tests using the AW609 development and engineering simulator in Cascina Costa. Digital twin technology was used to make a preliminary assessment of the operations subsequently tested in flight. Deck landing and takeoff procedures were performed in more than 15 different operational conditions to evaluate performance with straight-in and lateral approaches, vertical landing and takeoff, and lateral exits.

The evaluation of the AW609 for military services involves Italy’s Navy, Army, and Customs Police, which have formed a joint working group with the manufacturer.

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