fredag 28. juni 2024

USA pusser opp norske militære flyplasser for 2 milliarder - Forsvarets forum / Stars & Stripes


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EUCOM drives $200 million air base project in Norway amid High North revival



STARS AND STRIPES • June 21, 2024


A tractor moves a Norwegian air force F-35 through a mountain hangar at Bardufoss Air Station in Norway in this undated photo. (Norwegian air force)

A $200 million upgrade is in store at an air station used by American troops in Norway, where a separate mountainside military hideout also is back in action 40 years after being shut down.

U.S. and Norwegian officials this week said the moves are part of an effort to support rapid troop deployments and larger air force formations in the High North, a region where countering Russia has become a top priority for NATO and U.S. European Command.

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