onsdag 26. juni 2024

Russland hevder å ha skutt ned en GLOBAL HAWK - The EUR Asian Times


Jeg tipper dette er en bløff. Dronen holder seg godt unna luftrom Russland hevder er deres, men som i virkeligheten er ukrainsk. (Red.)

Russians Claim MiG-31 Foxhound ‘Shot Down’ US Global Hawk Drone After ATACMS Attack On Crimea


 Sakshi Tiwari

June 25, 2024

After Russia held the United States accountable for Ukraine’s ATACMS strike on Crimea that killed several civilians, claims emerged on social media suggesting that the Russian forces had shot down a US RQ-4B Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) over the Black Sea.

Popular Russian military bloggers, including the Fighterbomber, which allegedly has close ties to the Kremlin, made these claims. Several of these bloggers said on the Telegram messaging app that a Russian MiG-31 interceptor shot down a US RQ-4B UAV over the Black Sea. Some even noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin had commended the pilot who carried out the mission.

Fighter-bomber channel said: “If [the Yankees] fly again, it means that they are quite prepared for the loss of a Global Hawk (or even more than one).”

However, none of the claims were backed by any concrete evidence. The Kremlin, on its part, did not acknowledge the rumors spreading on social media like wildfire. Additionally, neither the Ukrainian Armed Forces nor the US military has taken cognizance of these claims.

In contrast, the claims became a talking point for Ukrainian military bloggers and open-source intelligence accounts that have been diligently tracking the developments of the ongoing war. A popular account expressed skepticism, saying, “If an Interception or Attack on a Global Hawk has happened, we will likely be getting a Video at some point from the Russian Ministry of Defense.”

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