tirsdag 25. juni 2024

Sigonella - Stor NATO base gjennom 65 år - Stars & Stripes


US Navy base in Sicily looks back on 65 years, ahead to burgeoning NATO role



STARS AND STRIPES • June 24, 2024


Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily, with Mt. Etna in the distance. Since being established in 1959, NAS Sigonella has grown from a single airstrip to a hub with more than 40 commands. It recently celebrated its 65th anniversary. (U.S. Navy)

NAPLES, Italy — When Paolo Graziano arrived to work at Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily more than four decades ago, the base had only a handful of aircraft hangars.

Today, NAS Sigonella has grown to 1,300 acres and about 40 tenant commands, among them Space Force, Army, Marines and Air Force detachments. The military community of more than 6,000 also includes civilians, service member families and Italian workers, according to Navy figures.

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