fredag 21. juni 2024

Søvnige flygere på denne innflygingen? - The Aviation Herald

 The Aviation Herald

Incident: Southwest B738 at Oklahoma City on Jun 19th 2024, low altitude alert

By Simon Hradecky, created Friday, Jun 21st 2024 10:57Z, last updated Friday, Jun 21st 2024 10:57Z

A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-800, registration N8555Z performing flight WN-4069 (dep Jun 18th) from Las Vegas,NV to Oklahoma City,OK (USA), was on final approach to Oklahoma's runway 13 just past midnight when the aircraft descended to about 1725 feet MSL/525 feet AGL about 7.9 nm before the runway threshold at 00:06L (05:06Z). The approach controller told the crew "Low Altitude Alert" and queried "you good out there?", the crew initiated a climb to 3000 feet MSL. The controller cancelled the approach clearance and instructed the crew to go around, subsequently provided vectors for an approach to runway 17R where the aircraft landed without further incident about 10 minutes later.

The FAA reported: "After an automated warning sounded, an air traffic controller alerted the crew of Southwest Airlines Flight 4069 that the aircraft had descended to a low altitude nine miles away from Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City. The FAA will investigate."

The airline reported they are in contact with the FAA regarding the irregularities on the approach.

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