onsdag 19. juni 2024

Flybåren laser er tilbake etter 12 år i skuffen - AW&ST


U.S. Missile Defense Agency Takes Fresh Look At Airborne Lasers


Brian Everstine June 13, 2024


The YAL-1 conducted its final flight in 2012 before being scrapped two years later. Now the MDA is revisiting the potential for airborne lasers.

Credit: Bobbi Zapka/U.S. Air Force


Ten years after the demise of the Boeing 747-based chemical laser and four years after the Missile Defense Agency killed another program, the agency again is looking into the possibility of an airborne laser to protect against incoming threats.

In fiscal 2026, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) expects to spend about $11 million on the effort, following recent reductions in the size and weight of directed-energy systems along with increased power, MDA Director U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Heath Collins said.

Sjekk hele saken her: https://tinyurl.com/yxbc786m

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