søndag 23. juni 2024

NATO basen nær Contansa i Romania tar form - BBC


Romanian village set to become Nato's biggest airbase in Europe

13 hours ago

By Nick Thorpe, Central Europe correspondent

BBC Eurofighter Typhoons in RomaniaBBC

Mihai Kogalniceanu (MK) is turning into the biggest Nato airbase in Europe

Six RAF Eurofighter Typhoons sit on the taxiway, engines roaring on two, as the ground staff hurry about, adding the finishing touches before take-off.

In the distance, a cloud of dust rises in the summer haze over the construction site of the second runway, 3.5km (2 miles) long, beside the first. The hot northerly wind buffets the new hangars and the old.

Mihai Kogalniceanu (MK) airbase takes its name from the village nearby, itself named after a 19th Century liberal politician.

Now, it is the unlikely setting for what is turning into the biggest Nato base in Europe, bigger even than Ramstein in Germany.

Russian President Vladimir Putin justified his war in Ukraine on the grounds that Nato is encroaching on Russia’s European flank. In response to his invasion, more pieces have moved forward on the Nato chessboard.

Sjekk hele historien om basen her: https://tinyurl.com/bdfrwc76

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