onsdag 24. oktober 2018

Droner og andre innretninger som skal fly passasjerer

Jeg har vært i kontakt med IFATCA, altså flygeledernes organisasjon. De skriver til meg at de enda ikke har fått ut et "position paper". De henviser til IFALPA, flygernes organisasjon. Deres syn kan du laste ned her. Det er omfattende og grundig. (Red.)

Position Paper


IFALPA strives for protecting and enhancing aviation safety by the highest standards and promoting a single level of safety worldwide for all users of civilian airspace. This is especially important when introducing a new technology sector into civilian airspace such as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).
IFALPA welcomes and recognizes the potential benefits of this new technology. It is critically important to ensure the safe integration of UAS into the common civilian airspace.

Related documents

Position Paper FEBRUARY 27, 2017
UAS Security

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