torsdag 30. november 2017

Savnet sub regnes for tapt - BBC

Argentina ends missing sub 'rescue mission'

The Argentine military submarine ARA San JuanImage copyright Reuters
Image caption Hope of finding the ARA San Juan with surviving crew members has faded
The Argentine navy has said it has abandoned attempts to rescue 44 crew members on board a submarine that disappeared two weeks ago.
"Despite the magnitude of the efforts made, it has not been possible to locate the submarine," navy spokesman Enrique Balbi said on Thursday.
The, sub, the ARA San Juan, last made contact on Wednesday 15 November.
Hopes of finding survivors faded after a suspected explosion was reported near its last-known location.
Capt Balbi said the search for the submarine had been "extended to more than double the number of days that determine the possibilities of rescuing the crew", but added that teams would continue to search for the vessel on the seabed.
On Tuesday, Capt Balbi told reporters that water had entered the submarine's snorkel, which can be used to take in air from above the surface when the submarine is submerged.
The saltwater dripped onto a battery tray in the prow, causing the battery to short circuit and to smoulder, he said.
Graphic: ARA San Juan submarine
An international search mission saw the deployment of 4,000 personnel from more than a dozen countries.
The Argentine navy's last contact with the vessel was at approximately 07:30 (10:30 GMT) on 15 November, at which point its captain had reportedly confirmed that the crew were well.
Pictures of the crew of Argentine submarine ARA San Juan
Image caption The crew of the ARA San Juan comprises 43 men and one woman
Eight days after the sub vanished, the Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organisation said that it had detected a noise a few hours after the sub's last contact.
The body, which operates a network of listening posts to monitor nuclear explosions, said that there had been a "hydro-acoustic anomaly" about 30 nautical miles (60km) north of the sub's last-known position at 10:31 (13:31 GMT).
The Argentine navy said it could have been the sound of the submarine imploding - news which hit relatives of the missing crew members hard.

Gåttabanen..... Sjekk denne vanvittige greia - Fra Gunnar Egil Kras

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Helikopterulykken på Sola - TU

Helikopteret som veltet har halenummer 0268 og er det fjerde helikopteret som er produsert for Norge.
Helikopteret som veltet har halenummer 0268 og er det fjerde helikopteret som er produsert for Norge. (Johansen, Carina)


AW101-ulykken er den første 

undersøkelsen for nyopprettet havari-


Hadde eksistert i tre uker da redningshelikopteret veltet.

Det er to blodferske subjekter og objekter i aksjon etter helikoptervelten på Sola 24. november.
Mens AW101-redningshelikopteret kun hadde vært i Norge ei uke og fløyet rundt fire timer da ulykken skjedde, hadde havarikommisjonen som nå undersøker ulykken kun eksistert i tre uker.
– Dette er vår første undersøkelse, bekrefter Håkon Sitre som leder den nyopprettede Statens havarikommisjon for Forsvaret.

Data til England og Frankrike 

Organisasjonen består av fire personer, som alle har jobbet på Sola siden fredag kveld. Sitre opplyser at de spiller på både sivile og militære ressurser i sitt arbeid. Luftforsvaret, som opererer redningshelikoptrene, har utpekt en undersøkelsesoffiser som vil samarbeide med havarikommisjonen.
I løpet av disse dagene har de snakket med involverte, gjort de første undersøkelsene av helikopteret mens det lå ute veltet på høyre side og sanket inn øvrig informasjon.
Helikopteret er løftet og satt tilbake i den nybygde hangaren på 330-skvadronens hovedbase på Sola. Her blir det stående for videre undersøkelser.
Den kombinerte ferdsskriveren og taleregistratoren skal sendes til den franske flyhavarikommisjonen, BEA, for nedlasting på deres analysesenter i Paris. Øvrige datalagringsenheter sendes til AW101-fabrikken, Leonardo Helicopters i Yeovil i Sommerset sørvest i England.
– Vi håper dette vil gi oss mye nyttig informasjon og grunnlag for våre videre undersøkelser, sier Sitre som ikke ønsker å spekulere i årsakssammenhenger.
Han bekrefter at det ikke er gjort noen funn så langt i undersøkelsen som tilsier at andre AW101-brukere må slutte å fly.

Når dataene fra CVDR er lastet ned og analysert vil havarikommisjonen kunne danne seg et enda bedre bilde av de bakenforliggende årsakene til at AW101-helikopteret veltet under bakkekjøring.

Når dataene fra CVDR er lastet ned og analysert vil havarikommisjonen kunne danne seg et enda bedre bilde av de bakenforliggende årsakene til at AW101-helikopteret veltet under bakkekjøring. Bilde: Eirik Helland Urke

Den oransje boksen befinner seg i avionikkhylla rett bak førerkabinen på babord side (se bilde over). Den inneholder både ferdsskriver og taleregistrator, CVR/FDR, «Cockpit Voice Recorder»/«Flight Data Recorder», eller gjerne «Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder», CVDR, ettersom det er her snakk om begge deler i én enhet.
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Hypoxia i T-6 også - USAF - AW&ST

USAF Grounds T-6 Trainers After Hypoxia-Like Events

L3 Communications crew chief Blake Dryden monitors T-6 components as airmen prepare to taxi at Vance AFB, Oklahoma, on Aug. 28: David Poe

The U.S. Air Force has grounded the Beechcraft T-6 Texan II training aircraft at Vance AFB, Oklahoma, after five pilots reported physiological episodes with hypoxia-like symptoms while flying.
The Air Force’s 71st Flying Training Wing enacted an “operational pause” of T-6 flying operations on Nov. 15 after four T-6 instructor pilots and one student pilot assigned to Vance reported physiological incidents since Nov. 1, spokeswoman Terri Schaefer told Aviation Week Nov. 29. 
In each case, the aircraft’s backup oxygen system operated as designed and the pilots followed the correct procedures, landing safely, Schaefer said.
The Air Force is investigating the incidents at Vance and has not yet identified a specific root cause, Schaefer said. The events were reported as “physiological events with hypoxia-like symptoms,” she noted.
The Air Force uses the single-engine T-6 turboprop as a basic trainer for all student pilots. From the T-6, students choose one of three advanced training tracks based on their class standing. Future fighter/bomber pilots next train in the T-38 Talon; pilots on the airlift/tanker track fly the T-1A Jayhawk; and helicopter/tilt-rotor trainees fly the TH-1H Huey.
In addition to Vance, student pilots also train in the T-6 at Randolph AFB, Texas; Moody AFB, Georgia; Columbus AFB, Mississippi; Laughlin AFB, Texas; and Sheppard AFB, Texas.
Since the grounding, Vance AFB has partnered with Air Education and Training Command, 19th Air Force and medical, functional and industry experts to determine the cause of the incidents. That effort has included reviewing procedures for physiological events, providing refresher physiological training, background briefs and Q&A with T-6 instructor pilots, Schaefer said. 
“Following the operational pause, we anticipate that flying operations at Vance Air Force Base will continue as usual, with added awareness and training concerning physiological events and the life-support equipment onboard the T-6 designed to protect pilot safety and ensure continued safety of flight,” Schaefer said.
The T-6 incidents come as a spate of hypoxia-like cockpit incidents plague the Air Force and U.S. Navy fleets. Both the Air Force and Navy grounded fleets this year: the Navy’s T-45 Goshawk trainers and the Air Force’s F-35As at Luke AFB, Arizona, the service’s premier F-35 training base. Similar incidents are also on the rise in the Navy’s F/A-18Hornet and EA-18G Growler fleets.

onsdag 29. november 2017

Droner kan skade fly mer enn fugler - AIN

Study: Drone Damage Can Exceed that of Bird Strikes
 - November 29, 2017, 11:12 AM
Drones that collide with large manned aircraft can cause more damage than similar sized birds, according to new research released by the FAA yesterday. Conducted by the Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (Assure), the study was released in advance of a House aviation subcommittee hearing today on how emerging uses of unmanned aircraft systems are changing the national airspace system.
Assure’s research is designed to help operational and collision risk mitigation requirements for drones, the FAA said.
“While the effects of bird impacts on airplanes are well documented, little is known about the effects of more rigid and higher mass [small unmanned aircraft systems] on aircraft structures and propulsion systems,” said Mississippi State University’s Marty Rogers, director of Assure. “The results of this work are critical to the safety of commercial air travel here in the U.S. and around the world.”
The research involved both computer modeling and physical validation testing. Researchers modeled impacts of 2.7-pound and four-pound quadcopters, along with four-pound and eight-pound fixed-wing drones on a single-aisle commercial airliner such as a Boeing 737 and a Learjet 30/40/50. The study explored potential impacts of several areas: the wing leading edge, windshield, and vertical and horizontal stabilizers. “The windshields generally sustained the least damage and the horizontal stabilizers suffered the most serious damage,” the FAA said.
Structural damage ranged from little to no impact to actual penetration of the drone into the airframe. The research, however, did not assess risk to flight that may result from the damage. Researchers, however, “concluded that unmanned aircraft system manufacturers should adopt ‘detect and avoid’ or ‘geo-fencing’ capabilities to reduce the probability of collisions with other aircraft,” the agency added.
Future research is planned for engine ingestion and additional collision studies involving helicopters and general aviation aircraft.
Assure used resources from Mississippi State University, Montana State University, Ohio State University and Wichita State University in its study.
House aviation subcommittee chairman Frank LoBiondo (R-New Jersey) said in his prepared statement for today’s hearing that the research results thus far “is concerning” and that “We will monitor the future of this research closely as they investigate the risks of ingestion of UAS into jet engines.”

Noting that two million drones have been sold in the U.S. to date, LoBiondo added that “the sheer volume of UAS…and their unique features are causing policy-makers and operators to rethink all aspects of airspace use.”

SAS ser etter cabin crew - SAS

Are you a true traveler? We are now looking for cabin crew to join us! 

Helikopterhavariet på Svalbard - Vraket til Sola - Jan-Petter Helgesen

Kullselskapet Arcticugols Mi-8 på Svalbard - Foto: Arcticugol

Russisk helikoptervrak til Sola

Vraket av det russiske helikoptret av typen Mi-8 som 26. oktober havarerte i Isfjorden på Svalbard med åtte personer om bord, er på vei til Stavanger lufthavn, Sola.


Jan-Petter Helgesen

Helikoptret er for stort til å bli sendt landeveien til Havarikommisjonen for transport sine lokaler på Kjeller ved Lillestrøm. Det er heller ikke mulig å lagre vraket innendørs på Svalbard.

Havarikommisjonen fant det derfor best å sende det sørover på spesialfartøyet Mærsk Forza som hevet vraket fra 208 meters dyp i Isfjorden - bare et par kilometer fra den russiske helikopterbasen på Kapp Heer ved Barentsburg.

På Sola har allerede kommisjonen leiet hangar. Det antas ikke by på nevneverdige problem å frakte restene av Mi-8-helikoptret fra Risavika til lagringsplassen på Sola.

I hangaren kan norske havariinspektører undersøke vraket. Russiske inspektører vil også ha lett ankomst til Sola.
Helikopterets taleregistrator satt ved cockpiten og funnet i god stand. Den er sendt til Moskva for avspilling. Ferdskriveren satt i halepartiet og er helt ødelagt og ubrukelig.    

Droner - På tide å få europeiske bestemmelser på plass - NRK

– Langt flere droner i luften enn først antatt

En undersøkelse gjort av Opinion gir et estimat på at omtrent 230 000 nordmenn eier en drone.
De beste tallene for hvor mange droner det er i Norge har bransjeorganisasjonen for droneoperatører, UAS Norway, stått for. De har gått ut med at det siden 2011 har blitt solgt over 50 000 droner over 700 gram. Droner over 700 gram er ofte brukt til «nærings- og nytteformål» og favner typisk over de litt dyrere modellene. Man har altså ikke hatt noen tall om hvor mange droner som finnes i private hender i Norge.

Nå har analysebyrået Opinion gjort en spørreundersøkelse på venge av UAS Norway som gir det første estimatet på hvor mange nordmenn som eier en drone. Omtrent 230 000 nordmenn oppgir at de eier en drone, og 843 000 nordmenn oppgir at de vurderer å kjøpe en drone. Undersøkelsen tok for seg 500 respondenter.
– Salgsvolumet er langt høyere enn hva vi har trodd. Det viser at vi må ta på alvor at det er mange ikke registrerte dronepiloter, og at også denne delen av markedet må følges tettere, sier daglig leder Anders Martinsen i UAS Norway.
– Undersøkelsen gir oss noe mer forståelse av omfanget av droner i Norge, men vi har lite tall og statistikk på denne bransjen som er i sterk vekst. Det gjør det vanskelig å lage et regelverk og en strategi. Vi håper at undersøkelsen kan bidra til at Avinor, Luftfartstilsynet, og Samferdselsdepartementet får et bedre datagrunnlag.
Bente Heggedal som er fungerende seksjonsleder for ubemannet luftfart i Luftfartstilsynet mener tallene ikke er overraskende, og at de samsvarer godt med lignende tall for Sverige og Danmark.
– Det er mange som ikke har kompetanse på sikker bruk av droner, og det viser at det er enda viktigere at alle får god informasjon når de kjøper en drone, sier Heggedal.
NRKbeta skrev tidligere i høst om en rekke tiltak Luftfartstilsynet lanserte for å bedre sikkerheten i luftrommet.

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tirsdag 28. november 2017

Sivilister til å fly i nord? - NRK

Dette likner veldig mye på det våset gen. Archer serverte vedr. redningstjenesten. Vel, sivilister har også vært på rep. Jeg var med i 752 skvadron med S-61N, mine bilder: 

752 skv.oppstilt.

Prøv å laste opp 19 du Brandsegg.

Prøv dette du Brandsegg!

Eller dette.

99 av 100 poeng


– Det er uaktuelt

Det stiller tillitsvalgt i 339-skavdronen, Geir Brandsegg seg svært kritisk til, og advarer nå mot forslaget om innleie av sivile helikoptre.
– Jeg mener det er helt uaktuelt at sivile skal gjøre jobben vår. Vi trener på dette hele året.
Brandsegg mener også at det blir alt for dyrt å leie inn sivile helikoptre.
– Det skal mye trening til, og det kommer til å koste flere hundre millioner kroner å leie inn sivile som skal gjøre jobben. I tillegg vil det bli dyrt å oppgradere helikoptrene deres.

Luftforsvarets 339. skvadron
BELL-HELIKOPTER: Her fra da Luftforsvarets 339. skvadron transporterer soldater fra Hæren ved hjelp av sine Bell 412 helikoptre under Cold Response 2014.
Foto: Lars Magne Hovtun / Hæren/Forsvarets mediesenter

– La oss få gjør jobben vår

De ansatte ved flystasjonen på Bardufoss har i lang tid levd i en usikkerhet rundt stasjonen og helikoptrenes stasjonering. Meldingen om at det nå ser ut til å gå mot flertall for å beholde noen av helikoptrene, blir godt mottatt.
– Det har vært veldig frustrerende og vi er lei. La oss få gjøre jobben vår. Jeg håper vi nå får satt punktum for dette styret. 

Helikoptre i nord går igjennom - Antakelig - NRK video

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Flertall på Stortinget for å sikre Hæren helikopterstøtte i Nord-Norge

Utenriks- og forsvarskomiteen møtes klokken 12 til det som kan bli det siste møtet før en enighet om den såkalte landmaktproposisjonen blir presentert.

Anniken Huitfeldt
KJEMPET FOR HELIKOPTRE: Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap) sa mandag at det var helt uaktuelt å gå med på en løsning som innebærer at det ikke er helikoptre i nord.
Foto: NRK
– Det er helt uaktuelt for oss å gå på med en løsning som innebærer at det ikke er helikoptre i nord, sa Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap) mandag kveld.

Spørsmålet nå er er hvor mange som settes av til Hæren, og om det åpnes for innleie av private helikoptre.
Detaljene blir klare under komitémøtet som innledes klokken 12, der det ventes at Arbeiderpartiet finner sammen med regjeringspartiene, KrF og Venstre om sentrale deler av landmaktproposisjonen.
En avtale antydes å bli presentert i 14.30-tiden, men dette er ikke bekreftet.

Luftforsvarets 339. skvadron
BELL-HELIKOPTER: Her fra da Luftforsvarets 339. skvadron transporterer soldater fra Hæren ved hjelp av sine Bell 412 helikoptre under Cold Response 2014.
Foto: Lars Magne Hovtun / Hæren/Forsvarets mediesenter

Electric aeroplanes - The race is on - BBC

Firms team up on hybrid electric plane technology

  • 23 minutes ago
E-Fan X artists impressionImage copyright Airbus
Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Siemens are to develop hybrid electric engine plane technology as part of a push towards cleaner aviation.
The E-Fan X programme will first put an electric engine with three jet engines on a BAe 146 aircraft.
The firms want to fly a demonstrator version of the plane by 2020, with a commercial application by 2030.
Firms are racing to develop electric engines for planes after pressure from the EU to cut aviation pollution.
Each of the partners in the programme will be investing tens of millions of pounds, they said on a press call.
The firms are developing hybrid technology because fully electric commercial flights are currently out of reach, a spokeswoman said.
The weight of batteries coupled with the weight of equipment to cool electric engines are two limiting factors at present, she said.
"We see hybrid-electric propulsion as a compelling technology for the future of aviation," said Paul Eremenko, Airbus' chief technology officer.
InfographicImage copyright Airbus
Rolls-Royce will be providing the electricity generator at the back of the E-Fan X plane.
The turbine powering the generator will run on jet fuel and provide power for the electric engine.
Any excess power from the generator will be stored in banks of batteries in the fore and aft holds with the stored energy to be used during take-off and landing.
A Rolls Royce spokesman said the company wanted to make the turbine as light as possible, and that "parts of the engine, generator and power electronic systems will be integrated to reduce weight."

Analysis: BBC business reporter Theo Leggett
There are several good reasons why Airbus wants to develop electrified planes.
Jet fuel makes up a significant proportion of a typical airline's running costs - over the past few years it has varied from 17-36%, depending on the price of oil. Use less fuel and costs should come down.
Then there's noise. Modern jets aren't nearly as noisy as their predecessors from a couple of decades ago, but they still make quite a racket on landing or takeoff. If your house is close to the airport that's bad news.
Electric motors are a lot quieter, so they could allow more night flights, especially in airports close to city centres.
And of course, there's the question of emissions. Electrified aircraft, like hybrid cars, should be cleaner than conventional models.
With some forecasts suggesting the number of large aircraft will double over the next 20 years, they could become a powerful tool for cutting emissions of NOx and CO2.
So the potential benefits are clear - but first the technology needs to be proven.

Electric race

The E-Fan programme began in 2012 with a collaboration between Airbus and Rolls-Royce.
As part of its Flightpath 2050 plan, the European Commission wants a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 60%, it wants nitrogen oxide pollution down by 90%, and noise reduction of 75%.
That has been one of the driving forces behind the Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Siemens programme.
Other firms are also working on commercial passenger electric plane flight.
Easyjet wants electric planes to fly passengers on its short-haul routes, possibly within 10 to 20 years.
And Wright Electric is aiming to offer an electric-powered commercial flight from London to Paris in 10 years.

Ny maskin i 19 seters markedet fra Cessna - AW&ST

Textron Launches New SkyCourier Turboprop With Cargo, Pax Versions

Artist's concept of SkyCourier 408

Textron Aviation has launched a new twin-engine, utility turboprop called the CessnaSkyCourier 408, with entry-into-service scheduled for 2020.
FedEx is the aircraft’s launch customer with an order for 50 cargo aircraft and an option for 50 more. Textron Aviation has been working with FedEx for the past seven months to develop the clean-sheet aircraft, the company said.
The SkyCourier will fill a gap in the market segment with “superior performance and low operating costs,” said Scott Ernest, Textron Aviation president and CEO.
“We’re extremely excited to work with FedEx,” Ernest said in a conference call with reporters. “We feel this is a great opportunity for us to get into the twin utility turboprop market in a very disciplined and focused fashion.”
Textron Aviation has had a long track record with its Caravan turboprop and for years has contemplated a larger version, said Scott Donnelly, Textron chairman and CEO. 
Cargo demand has grown. “This is a very logical thing for us to do,” Donnelly said.
Textron Aviation will offer cargo and passenger variants of the aircraft. The cargo variant will include a large cargo door and flat cabin floor to handle up to three LD3 shipping containers with 6,000 lb. of maximum payload capacity.
A passenger version will hold 19 passengers and include crew and passenger doors and large cabin windows and have a 5,000 lb. maximum payload capacity.
The $5.5 million SkyCourier will be powered by Pratt & Whitney PT6A-65SC engines and come equipped with Garmin 1000 avionics and a 110 in. McCauley propeller. It will have a maximum cruise speed of up to 200 kt., 900 nm maximum range and be Part 23 certified.
The aircraft will have a conventional aluminum structure.
 “This is all about utility (and) our ability to enter the market quickly with an economical solution,” Donnelly  said. “This is going to be a workhorse.”
For FedEx, the Cessna SkyCourier is part of its fleet modernization strategy and will likely replace some older turboprops, said Bill West, FedEx vice president of supplemental air operations. The company plans to take delivery of one SkyCourier per month, West said.
The aircraft will accommodate cargo containers and loose packaging and be able to be loaded and unloaded quickly, said Brad Thress, Textron Aviation senior vice president of engineering.
Wind tunnel testing is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2018, with first flight in mid-2019 and first delivery in 2020.

F-35 og Danmark - AW&ST

F-35 Procurement Process Begins For Denmark

The Danish defense ministry has begun the process of purchasing its F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.  Government publications published on Nov. 16 reveal the defense ministry has requested 16.374 billion Danish Krones ($2.62 billion) to buy the 27 F-35As, engines, four simulators and a pool purchase of spares, support equipment, modification work and upgrades up to 2026. The Danish purchase will take place in phases, with a contract and order for 10 aircraft expected to be signed in 2018.

L-410 i Beta range på final - Vanskelig å takle - FlightGlobal

L-410 crash probe focuses on in-flight thrust reversal



Preliminary analysis of flight-recorder information from a crashed Let Aircraft Industries L-410 indicates the turboprop entered a near-vertical descent after its right-hand engine effectively began developing reverse thrust.
The Khabarovsk Airlines aircraft (RA-67047) had been conducting a daylight approach, in good visibility, to runway 04 at Nelkan in eastern Russia on 15 November.
Investigators have detailed preliminary findings from the aircraft's flight recorders which show that, at a height of 150m above ground, the right engine entered the "beta range" – the power setting below flight-idle which is normally used to slow the aircraft after landing.
"This mode was maintained until the aircraft collided with the ground," the inquiry says, adding that the left engine continued to operate normally.
The L-410 was fitted with two General Electric H80-200 engines.
Its crew, the inquiry adds, recognised that the engine had entered the beta range and their subsequent actions resulted in the aircraft decelerating and rolling to the right.
The aircraft descended with a high vertical speed but with little horizontal speed, with less than 3m separating the first point of terrain contact from the final resting place, 1,480m from the runway threshold.
Just one survivor, among the seven occupants, was rescued from the wreckage.
Investigators have disclosed that the aircraft – a UVP-E20 variant with serial number 3010, owned by state lessor GTLK – was relatively new, having been manufactured in 2015.
The captain had accumulated over 12,000h with 1,243h on type, while the first officer had 837h on type from a total of 1,220h.
An initial recommendation from the inquiry advises a one-time check on the H80-200's beta mode and propeller control system, and that L-410 crews should ensure they are familiar with engine control procedures and actions after engine failure.
Along with the flight recorders investigators retrieved a Garmin GPS system from the wreckage for analysis. The aircraft had been operating from Khabarovsk to Nelkan via Chumikan.