fredag 27. september 2024

Alarm, alarm - Forsvarets forum

På ingen måte overraskende for noen vil jeg tro, men jeg er sånn passe naiv, bare ikke overfor navnebror Gram. Han burde vite best. Men slår man i hop det du kan lese og attpå til legger til flyttingen av 333 skv. til Evenes fra en fullt operativ base med god plass, da striker det hos meg altså. Kostnadene  kan man si følgende om: Voldsomme og uoversiktlige. Skam dere politikere som ikke forsto det. Det er dere som er mye skyld i at Forsvaret får kjøre sitt eget ekstremt kostbare løp som en stat i staten. (Sendt fra Fontane Bianche) (Red.)

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tirsdag 24. september 2024

Nå drar bloggen på ferie igjen......


....og som vanlig på høsten, er Sicilia målet. Vi kjører forbi Sigonella og jeg skal kikke etter spennende aktiviteter. Mulighetene for å blogge er begrenset, men er det noen voldsomme greier på gang har jeg sikkert kommentarer. Vi har reist over hele øya stykkevis og delt. Vi trives best helt i sørøst og nå blir det Siracusa og Scicli. Med dette signerer jeg av for en stund, kanskje......

Droner - Oppdatering fra UAS Vision


Russian Forces are Coating Drones with Toxic Substances

By The Editor on Sep 24, 2024 06:43 am

Ukrainian forces have reported that the Russian military is now using drones coated with a hazardous substance that can cause chemical burns. This tactic was confirmed by Yurii Fedorenko, the commander of the “Achilles” battalion of the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade. According to Fedorenko, Russian forces are employing all available means to inflict harm on […]

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NORAD Boss ‘Intrigued’ by New High-Altitude Drones Amid Increase in Russian Approaches

By The Editor on Sep 24, 2024 06:37 am

Russian aircraft have encroached on the Alaska air defense indication zone (ADIZ) four times in the last week, the head of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command noted Sept. 17, as he said he wants to ramp up his command’s training and monitoring capabilities. “We’ve had four straight nights of intercepting Russian aircraft that have penetrated […]

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Rheinmetall Unveils Skyranger 35 Mobile Air Defense System on Leopard 1 Chassis

By The Editor on Sep 24, 2024 06:19 am

On September 18th, 2024, at the Ochsenboden Testing Centre in Studen, Switzerland, Rheinmetall unveiled its Skyranger 35 anti-aircraft system mounted on the Leopard 1 tank chassis. This high-profile event, titled the Skyranger System Demonstration 2024, gathered defense officials, military personnel, and industry leaders from 26 countries, offering an exclusive first look at Rheinmetall’s latest innovation […]

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Kratos Gets $80M US Air Force Contract for 60 BQM-167A Target Aircraft Systems

By The Editor on Sep 24, 2024 06:15 am

– Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. has announced that Kratos has received a $79,870,161.48 Firm Fixed Price delivery order for the Lot 20 procurement of 60 aircraft, mission kits, certain flight consumables, and technical data for the BQM-167A Air Force Subscale Aerial Target (AFSAT) under a five-year base contract. The award incorporates Gas, Aero, […]

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Brazilian Air Force Buys New Hermes RQ-900 Replace Drone Lost in Flood Rescue Operations

By The Editor on Sep 24, 2024 06:04 am

On September 10th, Brazil’s Ministry of Defense published in the Official Gazette of the Union the Contract Extract No. 50/2024, regarding the replacement of a medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) Elbit Hermes 900 (RQ-900) drone for the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). The agreement, valued at 50 million reais (US$ 9 million), was signed between the Aeronautical Material […]

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Recent Articles:Ukraine Joins NATO Drill to Test Anti-Drone Systems
Putin Tours St. Petersburg Drone Manufacturing Plant
FlightWave Gets $1.9M TACFI Award for Advanced Enhancements to Edge 130 VTOL
Pierce Aerospace Launches Remote ID Sensors for Airspace Awareness
MQ-9B Sea Guardian on Lease Ditches into Bay of Bengal



To fly av samme type, kalt Artemis, på jobb

Denne varianten har jeg ikke sett før - Taxer for Take off
COMBAT SENT RC-135U. The Combat Sent's mission is to locate and identify foreign military land, naval, and airborne radar signals.

Jake på vei til jobb og en tanker på vei hjem

Forsvaret, jagerfly og våpen - Totalt misforhold mellom antall fly og våpen - NRK video


Dette er en skikkelig dybderapport og god journalistikk. Må leses! (Red.)

Ikke nok våpen til alle Norges kampfly

Hvis Norge blir angrepet og kampflyene skal slåss i lufta mot fiendtlige jagerfly, er det ikke nok missiler til å bevæpne alle flyene samtidig.

I 2019 gjennomførte et norsk F-35-kampfly for første gang testskyting av AMRAAM-missiler over norsk jord. Det er disse missilene Norge har få av.

Øyvind Bye Skille– JournalistJournalist

Marit Higraff– JournalistJournalist

Christine Svendsen– JournalistJournalist

Tormod Strand– JournalistJournalist

Publisert i dag kl. 07:38 Oppdatert for 58 minutter siden

Norge har kjøpt nye kampfly av typen F-35 til mange titalls milliarder kroner. Kjøpet har vært omtalt som den største investeringen i offentlig sektor gjennom tidene.

Flyene er sentrale i hvordan Norge skal forsvares om en fiende angriper.

I 2022 tok de nye flyene over beredskapsansvaret. Fra da av var det F-35 som skulle forsvare Norge fra lufta. F-16-flyene ble pensjonert og satt på bakken.

Nå kan NRK fortelle at ammunisjonsbeholdningen av den viktigste våpentypen til de nye kampflyene er svært lav.

Hvis Norge blir angrepet og kampflyene skal slåss i lufta mot fiendtlige jagerfly, er det ikke nok slike missiler til å bevæpne alle flyene samtidig.

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mandag 23. september 2024

God natt


Russisk fly inn i japansk luftrom tre ganger


Russisk militærfly krenket japansk luftrom tre ganger


Sigurd Nordmo

23. sep. 2024 19:20 – Oppdatert 23. sep. 2024 20:26


Det skal ha vært et russisk fly av typen Il-38 som krenket japansk luftrom mandag. Foto: Per Gram

Japanske kampfly rykket ut.

– Krenkelsen av vårt luftrom er svært beklagelig, og vi har i dag protestert på det sterkeste overfor russiske myndigheter via diplomatiske kanaler, samtidig som vi på det sterkeste ber dem om å forhindre en gjentakelse.

Det sier japans forsvarsvarsminister Minoru Kihara etter at et russisk overvåkingsfly fløy inn i japansk luftrom mandag, ifølge avisen Times of Japan.

Ifølge det japanske forsvarsdepartementet kom det russiske flyet av typen Il-38 seg inn i luftrommet rundt den japanske Rebun-øya tre ganger.

Nyhetsbyrået Reuters skriver at japanske kampfly advarte det russiske mannskapet før de avfyrte narrebluss for tydeliggjøre advarselen da flyet tok seg inn i japansk luftrom for tredje gang.

Ifølge Kihara var krenkelsen den første gjort av et russisk militærfly siden 2019, som også er delt med offentligheten.

eVTOL sertifikater i kjømda i USA - AVweb

 I hvilken grad dette koordineres med EASA vet jeg ikke, men det har vært godt samarbeid tidligere. (Red.)

eVTOL SFAR Expected In October

New rules covering pilot certification and operations of eVTOLs are expected next month.

The FAA's long-awaited rules governing the operation of eVTOL (powered-lift) aircraft will be released in October, a couple of months ahead of the date mandated by Congress, according to a senior Department of Transportation official. Various outlets reported that Christopher Coes, acting undersecretary of transportation for policy for the U.S. Department of Transportation, told Honeywell's Advanced Air Mobility Summit on Thursday the Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) for Integration of Powered Lift: Pilot Certification and Operations is being finalized.

Coes told the summit the document addresses the concerns raised by industry stakeholders following the release of the first proposed SFAR a year ago. Those concerns centered on the divergence from normal standards and qualifications for pilots along with technical concerns regarding controls, energy reserves and training devices. Coes said he believes they've figured it out. “I think you'll see it is quite responsive to the comments.”

This document will form the basis for the commencement of the much-vaunted eVTOL era and its integration to the existing air transportation system. Much of the aircraft certification process that is moving in parallel to the operational regs depends on the new rules to give manufacturers something to conform to. Coes said he expects the first certifications to start rolling out in 2025.

Droner - Siste fra UAS Vision


Ukraine Joins NATO Drill to Test Anti-Drone Systems

By The Editor on Sep 23, 2024 06:45 am

NATO concluded a major anti-drone exercise this week, with Ukraine taking part for the first time as the Western alliance seeks to learn urgently from the rapid development and widespread use of unmanned systems in the war there. The drills at a Dutch military base, involving more than 20 countries and some 50 companies, tested […]

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Putin Tours St. Petersburg Drone Manufacturing Plant

By The Editor on Sep 23, 2024 06:42 am

President Vladimir Putin last week visited the Special Technology Centre (STC) in St Petersburg, a supplier of unmanned aerial vehicles, electronic warfare systems, and communication systems. The head of state toured an exhibition of robotic systems supplied by the Ministry of Defence and the Popular Front. In particular, the president was shown tracked platforms, kamikaze drones, […]

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FlightWave Gets $1.9M TACFI Award for Advanced Enhancements to Edge 130 VTOL

By The Editor on Sep 23, 2024 06:40 am

— FlightWave Aerospace has announced that it has secured a $1.9 million award through the U.S. Air Force’s Tactical Funding Increase (TACFI) program. Following the recent acquisition of FlightWave by Red Cat Holdings, Inc., the company will use the funding to support critical enhancements to the Edge 130 Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) system, now […]

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Pierce Aerospace Launches Remote ID Sensors for Airspace Awareness

By The Editor on Sep 23, 2024 06:30 am

– Pierce Aerospace announced the launch of its YR1 Remote ID Sensor at the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International’s (AUVSI) Industry Insight Summits Uncrewed Systems Security Event last week. The YR1 Remote ID Sensor provides commercial and government stakeholders with affordable airspace awareness. The YR1 is the physical layer of the company’s Flight Portal […]

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MQ-9B Sea Guardian on Lease Ditches into Bay of Bengal

By The Editor on Sep 23, 2024 06:20 am

A high-altitude-long-endurance MQ-9B Sea Guardian drone that was taken on lease by the Indian Navy from the U.S. ditched into the Bay of Bengal off Chennai after encountering a technical failure on Wednesday (September 18, 2024). The drone was operating from naval air station INS Rajali in Arakkonam near Chennai, the Indian Navy said. In […]

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Recent Articles:Blood Samples to be Delivered by Drones Between London Hospitals
New NSK Gas Turbine Generator Bearing Promotes Longer eVTOL Flights
Autonomous Transwing VTOL Aircraft Conduct Simultaneous Flight Operations during RIMPAC
Anduril Gets $9M US Army to Develop Launched Effects Technology
DARPA Awards BAE Systems $4M for Tactical Autonomy Program

Oppdatering fra The Aviationist


Trykk på Read more så fremstår artikkelen i sin helhet. (Red.)

Ukraine in Talks with Allies for Gripens and Typhoons – Ukrainian Defense Minister

Ukraine in Talks with Allies for Gripens and Typhoons – Ukrainian Defense Minister

Motivating the talks for Gripens and Typhoons, Defense Minister Rustem Umyerov said Russia currently uses up to 300 aircraft and the same number of helicopters in the war against Ukraine, which ‘poses a serious challenge [...] The post Ukraine in Talks with Allies for Gripens and Typhoons – Ukrainian Defense Minister appeared first on The Aviationist.

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U.S. and British Army’s AH-64E Apache Helicopters Fly Together for the First Time in Exercise Saber Junction

U.S. and British Army’s AH-64E Apache Helicopters Fly Together for the First Time in Exercise Saber Junction

An interesting strike mission involved U.S. AH-64E Apaches teaming up with British AW159 Wildcat helicopters, which acted as forward reconnaissance units, relaying intelligence and designating targets for Hellfire missiles. British and U.S. Army AH-64E Apaches [...] The post U.S. and British Army’s AH-64E Apache Helicopters Fly Together for the First Time in Exercise Saber Junction appeared first on The Aviationist.

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Distinctive MH-47G Chinooks from U.S. Army 160th SOAR ‘Night Stalkers’ Exercise in the UK

Distinctive MH-47G Chinooks from U.S. Army 160th SOAR ‘Night Stalkers’ Exercise in the UK

Two MH-47G Chinooks from the U.S. Army’s elite 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment have made a rare deployment to the United Kingdom to take part in joint training with British forces. Arriving from Hunter Army [...] The post Distinctive MH-47G Chinooks from U.S. Army 160th SOAR ‘Night Stalkers’ Exercise in the UK appeared first on The Aviationist.

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Boom X-1 får opp farta - video

Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 demonstrator nears supersonic flight with record fourth test

Boom XB-1 fourth flight

Boom’s XB-1 aircraft, a prototype for the upcoming Overture supersonic airliner, completed its fourth test flight on September 21, 2024, progressing toward supersonic speeds.

The test, which reached Mach 0.617 (313 knots), was the fastest so far. It also marked the first use of the flutter excitation system (FES), which helps manage structural vibrations.

Key tests during the flight included handling quality checks, elevated g-force manoeuvres at 2.78g, and retraction of the landing gear at maximum safe speed.

Chief Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg flew the 48-minute flight, which reached an altitude of 16,150 feet. The XB-1 continues to move closer to breaking the sound barrier, with supersonic tests expected soon.

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Da har han sikker vært på Little Creek / Fort Story amphibious base, hvor en gjeng nordmenn sang av full hals i Little Creek Singalong i 1968.... Vi bodde  i Ely Hall, BOQ på NAS Norfolk hvor vi gikk på FAETULANT. (Red.)

Statsministeren besøkte Nato-kommando og amerikanske spesialstyrker i USA

Nyhet | 22.09.2024 | Statsministerens kontor

Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre besøkte søndag Natos fellesoperative kommando (Joint Force Command) i Norfolk i USA. Hovedkvarteret har ansvar for forsvaret av de nordlige delene av Nato, blant annet Norge. Statsministeren besøkte også de amerikanske maritime spesialstyrkene på Virginia Beach.

Nyheitsvarsel om: Forsvar


 NATO i dag

Denne Orionen flyr nok for USAs regning

Denne er ny; en virkelig flerbruksmaskin som ser ut til å ha etterfylt jagerfly

De norske ubåtene levetidsforlenges - Forsvarets forum

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FN - Pact for the future - Fact or fiction? - Stars & Stripes


Jeg tror dessverre at dette er verdiløst preik, selv om ideen om et samlende syn på verden burde være god. Men det er naivt å tro at det kan gå an all den tid Sikkerhetsrådet har toneangivende faste medlemmer som kan legge ned veto i forsvars- og sikkerhetsspørsmål. Frontene er alt for steile, noe FN ikke kan gjøre noe med; det er for sent. Erdogan var sistemann som meldte seg inn i BRICS, vestens rake motsetning hvor totalitarisme dyrkes. (Red.)

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks to the United Nations 

General Assembly during Summit of the Future, Sunday, 

                                     Sept. 22, 2024, at UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. General Assembly approved a blueprint Sunday to bring the world’s increasingly divided nations together to tackle 21st-century challenges from climate changeU.N. headquarters. (Frank Franklin II/AP)

The U.N. General Assembly approved a blueprint Sunday to bring the world’s increasingly divided nations together to tackle 21st-century challenges from climate change and artificial intelligence to escalating conflicts and increasing inequality and poverty.