lørdag 6. november 2021

Ny måte for å ta seg ulovlig inn i et land - Spania - ABC Nyheter / BBC


Passasjerer fra Marokko stakk av fra fly etter nødlanding på Mallorca 


for 6 timer siden

Flyet var på vei fra Marokko til Tyrkia, men ble omdirigert til Mallorca fredag på grunn av en angivelig medisinsk nødsituasjon fredag, opplyser spansk politi.

Under evakueringen av den påståtte syke passasjeren, benyttet rundt 20 passasjerer seg av sjansen og tok beina fatt da flyet sto på rullebanen.

Etterforskernes hypotese er at den påståtte medisinske nødssituasjonen var iscenesatt slik at folk kunne ta seg ulovlig inn i Spania, skriver avisen El Pais.

Den angivelig syke passasjeren ble fraktet til sykehus, der han ble erklært frisk og ved god helse. Han ble pågrepet for å ha medvirket til ulovlig innvandring, skriver avisen. En passasjer som fulgte med den angivelig syke reisende til sykehuset, forsvant også, ifølge avisen.

I tillegg til den angivelig syke passasjeren, er fem andre personer pågrepet.

Palma de Mallorca: Fleeing passengers shut down busy Spanish airport


3 hours ago


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The Air Arabia Maroc plane later continued to Turkey

One of Spain's busiest airports shut down for nearly four hours on Friday after an apparent attempt by migrants to enter the country illegally.

A plane flying from Casablanca in Morocco to Istanbul, Turkey, was diverted to Palma de Mallorca after a medical emergency was reported aboard.

When the jet landed, 21 passengers ran off across the runways, reportedly escaping over the perimeter fence.

Police later made arrests but 12 were still on the run on Saturday.

Police are investigating whether the group's escape from the plane was spontaneous or an elaborate plot to immigrate illegally.

The top Spanish government official for the Balearic Islands, Aina Calvo, said the event was unprecedented for a Spanish airport.

The drama began when emergency services boarded the Air Arabia Maroc plane to evacuate a Moroccan man said to have fallen into a diabetic coma. As they did so, 21 other passengers ran down the steps and fled, reportedly hiding under parked planes.

After a health check at a hospital found him to be fit and well, the Moroccan man was discharged and arrested for illegally entering the country, Spain's Efe news agency reports. A fellow passenger accompanying him to the hospital disappeared.

Most of the escapees who were arrested were found by the Guardia Civil, the Majorca Daily Bulletin reports, noting that "one was caught walking along the road to Manacor".

Some 60 national and international flights were diverted or delayed as a result of the incident.

The Air Arabia Maroc plane later continued to Turkey with its remaining passengers.

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